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Reverse Phone Number Search in Missouri

The Radaris reverse phone lookup lets you figure out who called you by simply entering the unrecognized incoming phone number. Search results include the owner’s name and address, family relative’s names, and more for any number – whether landline or mobile.

Any time you don’t recognize a missed call, get a text from an unknown number, want to screen a phone number before answering, or just want to know more about the person calling, Radaris phone number search has the information to make your call transparent.

Mobile/cell phones, landline numbers, business lines and even unlisted numbers are all discoverable for free on Radaris.

What Information Will You Get from Reverse Phone Lookup in Missouri?

You can choose from either our free phone number search or our more comprehensive reverse phone lookup and report. In either case, you can find the name of the person or business that owns the number and typically their registered address too.

To uncover the complete record of information related to a phone number you may need our full report.

These phone lookup reports can include

From this report, you will also have access to a complete personal history background report on the person who currently owns the number. These can extend your knowledge to include an individual's civil and criminal court history, property ownership, marriage and divorce records, professional history and more.

What Can You Find with a Reverse Phone Number Lookup in Missouri?

What Can You Find with a Reverse Phone Number Lookup?

Phone Owner's Details: Name and Current Address

Radaris reverse phone number lookup results can include the full identity of the individual who holds the telephone number. Typically, this includes their full name, current location and often additional historical records like previous address to help you distinguish them.

Additional Previous Addresses

When a person holds the same number for many years and changes their address, these records are included in the phone number search results. This additional piece of data can help you verify the person calling and teach you something about their history.

Phone Type - Cellular or Landline

The standard phone lookup results also indicate whether the number you searched for is a mobile/cellular phone or landline. While Radaris has extensive mobile phone number records, the owners of these numbers tend to change often.

Phone Line Connection Status Verification

In addition to phone type, Radaris phone lookup reports can verify whether a phone number is currently active on the carrier’s network – known as the connection status.

When looking up a phone number of an old friend, this indicates whether the phone number is still in use or has been changed since you last spoke to them.

Phone Line Carrier's Name

The phone line carrier’s name is the network that last reported ownership of the number. For example, this could be AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint or any one of their regional carriers.

What Can You Find with a Reverse Phone Number Lookup?

The First Reported Activation Date and Most Recent Report Date

In the Radaris reverse phone lookup results, the phone line carrier also reports the official first activation date of a number and their most recent report date. These dates often related to the phone line connection status and indicate when, or whether, the number has been blocked.

Family Members

Our reverse phone lookup service can also reveal the friends and relatives associated with the phone number’s current owner. This is extra helpful when someone calls you using a friend’s or family member’s phone.

Personal Details

The reverse phone lookup report can even help you find the personal details of the current owner, their friends, associates, and extended family by linking and sharing all the available public records.

Contact Info

You may have the phone number and even the name, but now you need more extensive contact information. This can include a secondary phone number, an email address, or an additional mailing address for any known associate.

Social Media

In many cases, Radaris is even able to connect social media accounts to phone number search results. This allows you to see the phone owner’s actions in real-time and understand more about them when making your decision to call them back.


Mia Parker, 23, Singapore

"I never liked calls from unknown numbers, so I use Radaris frequently and feel much better once I see a real name."

Mia Parker, 23, Singapore

Ella Souza, 53, UK

"I use [Radaris] phone lookup whenever I see a missed call from an unknown number. That’s how I know if I should call them back or block them as spam."

Ella Souza, 53, UK

Customer reviews

Find Out Who Called You with Radaris in Missouri

Find Out Who Called You with Radaris

The Radaris reverse phone lookup delivers all the facts available about the landline or mobile phone number you search. Find a huge amount of information on any person, company or telemarketing scam from one single search. Simply enter the area code and full number in the search form and get the latest records about the owner’s name, state, country, phone service, and the telephone type it is assigned to.

The phone type describes the network that the number is assigned to, such as landline, mobile, or VoIP. This data is supplied by the registered phone company, so you can be sure it is current and accurate.

Mobile or cell phone number records can be more difficult to track down reliably because the owner’s move these numbers between phone companies and networks more often. However, Radaris reverse phone lookup uses the latest release of phone number records and combines it with other public data.

How to Do the Reverse Phone Number Lookup?

  1. There is nothing simpler than running a reverse phone number lookup on Radaris.
    Type in the phone number in question.
  2. Click "Search".
  3. Get all the related records, individuals, organizations and addresses displayed on screen.
  4. To find more details about the number’s owner, click on the most appropriate name in the results.

What Can You Do with a Reverse Phone Lookup in Missouri?

Learn What Businesses Called You

Learn What Businesses Called You

Answering calls from unknown numbers is not ideal. Instead, run a quick, free search and figure out who they are before you call them back.

Lookup Suspicious Phone Numbers

It’s natural to be curious about the unknown phone number that just showed up in your missed calls. Find out who it is and then decide if it could be important.

Avoid Spam Calls

Screen your calls knowing that you can easily identify them with a quick phone number search and don't allow them an opportunity to upset you.

Recognizing the 'Missed Call'

Have a missed call? A quick phone number search answers your questions and lets you decide how to handle it.

Finding People from the Past

Use a friend’s old phone number to find their new number. It’s easy to lose track of people for a few years, but phone lookup reports contain enough historical information that you can track anyone down and reconnect.

Find a Person's Location

You may have an old number and not remember who it is for. The Radaris reverse phone lookup location feature gives you an idea of where to look and can remind you who they are or where they were from.

Background Checks

Radaris reverse phone lookup service can be extended to a full background check on the person associated with number. This allows you to know everything about the person, their history and make informed decisions before calling them.

Family Safety

Protect you family by researching your kid’s friends, their families and any other new acquaintances by starting with a reverse phone lookup.

Phone Number Search now

Reverse Phone Lookup by Countries


Are you trying to find details about a phone number in Australia? Doing a reverse search phone number is easier than you might think.

Here, we picked the best tools that allow you to do a reverse phone lookup in Australia. All of them are reliable, secure, and easy to use. They allow you to find out the caller's identity and other detailed information.


Reverse phone lookups for Mexico are just as easy. Find an individual's name, area, and numerous other facts and records simply through their telephone number.

As always, your Radaris phone number searches are always private and secure.

List of Other Countries Where Our Services Are Available:

What Can You Find on Radaris in Missouri?

Countless phone numbers may be found with a reverse phone lookup on a cell phone. Our industry-leading algorithms sift through the data to provide you the most relevant information for your phone search results. You'll get the most thorough and detailed reports accessible, as well as the most significant phone directory experience possible.
If you ever need assistance, our customer service team is always ready to help.
Phone Number Search now

Missouri Public Records Act and Laws for Phone Lookup

Missouri has a law called the Missouri Sunshine Law, which provides public access to government records, including criminal records. However, the law also has some restrictions on what information can be released, such as personal identification information and certain law enforcement records.

In terms of employment background checks, employers in Missouri are allowed to conduct criminal background checks on potential employees, but they must follow certain guidelines. For example, they must obtain written consent from the applicant before conducting the check, and they must provide the applicant with a copy of the report if it leads to adverse employment action.

Missouri also has a law called the Missouri Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment based on certain protected characteristics, such as race, sex, and religion. Employers must be careful not to use criminal history information in a discriminatory manner, as this could violate this law.

Overall, Missouri employers have some flexibility in conducting background checks on potential employees, but they must also follow certain guidelines and laws to ensure they are not violating any individual's rights or engaging in discriminatory practices.

Frequently Asked Questions about Phone Lookup in Missouri

How accurate are the results of a reverse phone lookup in Missouri?

The accuracy of the results in a reverse phone lookup in Missouri may vary depending on the availability of public records and the information provided.

Can I get a detailed report from a reverse phone lookup in Missouri?

Yes, you can get a detailed report from a reverse phone lookup in Missouri that includes information about the phone number's owner and other relevant details.

Is there a fee for using reverse phone lookup in Missouri?

Yes, there may be a fee for using reverse phone lookup in Missouri. The cost may vary depending on the level of detail requested.

Can I perform a reverse phone lookup on my mobile device in Missouri?

Yes, you can perform a reverse phone lookup on your mobile device in Missouri, making it convenient to access the information on the go.

Can I use reverse phone lookup for international phone numbers in Missouri?

Yes, you can use reverse phone lookup for international phone numbers in Missouri.

Is there a limit to the number of reverse phone lookups I can perform in Missouri?

There may be a limit to the number of reverse phone lookups you can perform in Missouri, depending on the service provider's policies.

Can I use reverse phone lookup to verify the identity of a caller in Missouri?

Yes, reverse phone lookup can help you verify the identity of a caller in Missouri by providing information about the phone number's owner.

Missouri Population Breakdown: Males/Females and Age

Male and Female

Knowing the gender population breakdown for Missouri - how many men or women are there - can help you make a decision of whether you should choose to move to this state.

A total of 6,137,428 people live in Missouri, of which 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. While across the U.S., the average population breakdown by gender is 49.2% male and 50.8% female.

Male and FemaleBreakdownMale49.0%Female51.0%MaleFemale
Gender Comparisonto US OverallMissouriUSA010203040506049.0149.2350.9950.77MaleFemale

Missouri people age distribution

Age Distribution26.3%28.0%28.4%17.2%Under 2121 to 4040 to 6565 and over
Male Age Comparison to US OverallMissouriUSA04812162024283227.527.325.726.431.231.415.514.9Under 2121 to 4040 to 6565 and over
Female Age Comparison to US OverallMissouriUSA04812162024283225.125.330.331.125.725.618.918Under 2121 to 4040 to 6565 and over
Under 5 years186,2519,938,937
5 to 9 years197,74810,033,518
10 to 14 years199,25810,987,313
15 to 17 years119,0636,361,859
18 and 19 years84,5634,541,794
20 years40,9972,318,283
21 years46,5642,257,008
22 to 24 years112,1486,439,169
25 to 29 years210,65411,817,829
30 to 34 years202,52511,281,470
35 to 39 years201,99210,892,040
40 to 44 years175,77110,028,675
45 to 49 years178,39710,079,567
50 to 54 years181,18910,075,795
55 to 59 years205,44910,440,265
60 and 61 years84,7414,168,435
62 to 64 years114,0615,882,735
65 and 66 years64,4753,538,792
67 to 69 years95,5464,652,319
70 to 74 years122,7586,529,918
75 to 79 years86,1014,367,764
80 to 84 years52,6942,671,396
85 years and over45,2242,284,092
Under 5 years179,2009,465,898
5 to 9 years183,0709,656,919
10 to 14 years192,51210,436,166
15 to 17 years115,5936,087,175
18 and 19 years79,0164,362,696
20 years37,3892,162,759
21 years39,4652,117,048
22 to 24 years118,4296,174,413
25 to 29 years210,75811,415,470
30 to 34 years199,78511,063,706
35 to 39 years200,95210,836,219
40 to 44 years177,99410,157,911
45 to 49 years184,35110,318,659
50 to 54 years186,70810,389,086
55 to 59 years214,84511,043,795
60 and 61 years86,4874,493,986
62 to 64 years131,5606,438,897
65 and 66 years75,8253,916,612
67 to 69 years102,7595,319,290
70 to 74 years147,8877,618,630
75 to 79 years113,0425,392,000
80 to 84 years75,1953,709,078
85 years and over76,4374,074,137

Missouri Crime Rates 2011-2020

No state is perfect, and neither is Missouri. We at Radaris have collected information on the different types of crime over the past 20 years. So, if the graph goes up, it’s something to think about, isn't it? If the chart is descending, this state is worth visiting!

Crime in Missouri 2011-20202011201220132014201520162017201820192020010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,00070,00080,00090,000100,000110,000120,000130,000140,000150,000Violent crimeProperty crimeLarceny-theftMotor vehicle theft
Violent crimeProperty crimeLarceny-theftMotor vehicle theft

How Do We Collect the Data in Missouri?

This data is publicly available and may be found by anybody who is prepared to look for it. Some governments have specific internet search pages that make it very simple. Others remain trapped in the paper age, requiring an in-person search at the county courthouse.

How to Remove Information from Radaris in Missouri?

Would you like to erase your own public records from Radaris? Not an issue. Simply click on this link and follow the on-screen instructions.